About this speaker
From the very inception of Photog Adventures, Aaron King encouraged everyone to join him in going out more. On YouTube and on the podcast, he said it as often as he could.
He says, “We all have busy lives with work and family, but we need to make time to get out on adventures more. We need more time out in nature with our camera. You won’t regret making it a priority. The only adventure you will ever regret is the one you didn’t go on.”
Photog Adventures is all about chronicling and sharing the stories of Aaron’s adventures “getting out there” and encouraging you to join him. Whether you have a full-time job or demanding family responsibilities, he says you just need to start making adventure a priority in your life.
Aaron is also the founder of the Milky Way Photographers Guild, an ad-free exclusive community where Milky Way photography can be taught, shared, practiced and celebrated by fellow ambitious Milky Way photographers.