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Susan Magnano

Photographer, Photour Adventures

About this speaker

Susan Magnano is a photographer, an explorer and an educator who loves capturing the beauty of the people and places around her.

After getting her start as a photojournalist, Susan transitioned her skill for capturing moments into shooting events and portraits. As an award-winning photographer with over 20 years of experience, Susan is a respected educator in the industry and now shares her innovative techniques and unique perspective on her photo adventures.

Photour Adventures was created out of Susan’s desire to share her passion for photography and travel through workshops and photo walks. She loves chasing the best light from sunrise to sunset and creates her own light into the night. Susan is a renowned light painter and loves teaching her techniques and unique style that is featured in her Luminescent Portraits Series.

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How We Got the Shots: 5 Photographers, 5 Stories

January 28, 2023, 01:00 AM
Katrina Brown Kevin Adams Susan Magnano Pete Mauney Noel Thomas

Spark Your Creativity with Luminescent Portraits

February 05, 2023, 05:45 PM
Susan Magnano