Know Your Options: Decisions That Lead to Your Best Images
A Talk by Lance Keimig (Partner, Instructor, National Parks at Night)
About this Talk
Understanding the capabilities and limitations of your equipment is essential to any type of photography, but especially at night when we are often pushing our gear to the limits and beyond. But that’s just a starting point. Being able to think creatively and find alternative ways to approach a scene or situation is a powerful way to be able to make the best possible image no matter what you’re faced with.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of equipment choice, other times it might be the weather conditions, lunar phase, lighting, or the field or post-processing techniques you decide to employ (or even a combination of all of those things) that need to be considered to make the image you envision.
Developing a vision and a style, as well as planning ahead and also looking back at what you’ve done before, are also critical components to making images that are satisfying and meaningful.
In this engaging seminar, Lance Keimig will walk you through his process using examples of his work to illustrate how some of his best images were made, and the trials and tribulations experienced along the way.